On behalf of the Board of Directors, welcome to Zion’s Hill Preschool Program!
The board is a group of dedicated parent volunteers who use their skills, talents, and experience to make Zion’s Hill the best preschool that it can be. Parents join the Board for various reasons – to be more involved in the school’s community, to better understand their child’s pre-school education, to give back to the school for all it does for their kids, etc. We meet monthly to plan programs and activities for the school, set policies, address concerns and suggestions from parents and staff, review the budget, and ensure delivery of our mission statement.
The board’s aim is to represent the interests of the entire school community – children, families, and staff. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to share your ideas with the board throughout the year.
Nicole Spellman & Laura Sohn
Co-Chairs 2024–2025
2024-2025 ZHPP Board of Directors:
Chairpersons: Nicole Spellman & Laura Sohn
1st Vice Chair: McKenzie Johnson
2nd Vice Chair: Christie Koolis
Secretary: Courtney Hiller
Treasurer: Lauren Stoerger & Brooke Planamento
Fundraising: Zoe Smith, Cristina Earl, & Lilly Tucker
Social: Stephanie Cataldo & Eileen Grisewood
Communications: Lauren LaRusso & Brenna Thompson
Hospitality: Erika Vick
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Lissette Florez
Parent-at-Large: Nicole Genovesi
Ground & Building Maintenance: Shana Hechler
Staff Representative: Marissa Generoso
Advisory Members: Yun Yun Huang
Executive Committee:
The Chairperson serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Zion’s Hill Preschool. The Chair oversees Board meetings, and appoints and serves on committees. S/he oversees legal matters for the school, establishes personnel procedures, works with the Director to ensure smooth school operations, and facilitates open communication between the Board, staff, and families.
Vice Chair (First)
The First Vice Chair works with the school Director and Board Chair(s) to organize and facilitate the following events: Open House, Prospective/New Family Play Dates and Tours, Registration and Summer Camp.
Vice Chair (Second)
The Second Vice Chair position supports the Chair(s) with special projects as needed during the year. Primary responsibilities include coordinating and maintaining communication with the classroom representatives, planning the Family Fun Days, and working with the Director to coordinate special events, such as Week of the Young Child.
The Secretary records and distributes the minutes of every meeting of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. S/he also prepares a packet of information for each Director for distribution at the June turnover meeting. Other duties include notifying the Board of meetings and posting any notices.
The Treasurer is responsible for preparing and maintaining the annual budget and provides updates and tracking on a regular basis throughout the year. S/he also helps coordinate banking and accounting matters, and performs other finance-related duties, as needed.
Buildings & Grounds
The Buildings & Grounds chairperson is responsible for organizing and soliciting help for “Clean Up Days” in the fall and spring. S/he acts as a liaison for outside contractors to address maintenance needed by ZHPP, and keeps records of all contacts and work performed.
The Communications chair(s) creates a unified look and voice for the information that is provided to our school and local community. Duties include monthly newsletter preparation, posting of advertisements and special events on community sites, and social media updates.
The Fundraising chair(s) is responsible for leading the fundraising events held each school year. The two main events are the Annual Appeal in the fall, a mail solicitation, and the Spring Fling, an adult gala featuring a silent/live auction. Fundraising works with the Treasurers to account for all donations and related acknowledgments to donors.
The Hospitality chair is responsible for coordinating school events throughout the year including but not limited to Open House, the annual staff appreciation dinner, the December board meeting and the Valentine’s Teacher Luncheon. S/he provides refreshments and décor, and helps communicate these events to families.
Social coordinates group events for the children and families of Zion’s Hill Preschool. The chair(s) creatively brainstorm new event ideas and execute each event through the management of vendors, funds and attendance.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion chair works with the school and the Board to add diversity to the school curriculum and environment, including recommending books for teachers to read in class, planning presentations for parents or children on issues related to diversity, and creating content for the school's bulletin board and monthly newsletter.